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LISTERINE® and Watsons Malaysia Set Record for “Largest Simultaneous Mouthwash Swishing”!

A Day to Remember for Dental Health!

June 12, 2024, was a day like no other! LISTERINE® and Watsons Malaysia joined forces to set a dazzling new record in The Malaysian Book of Records for the ‘Largest Participation of Simultaneous Swishing’. An incredible 2,382 participants united to highlight the vital role of mouthwash in our daily oral care routines, creating an event that’s sure to be remembered for years!

A Celebration of Leadership and Triumph!

In an atmosphere of excitement and pride, Mr. Steve Tiu, General Manager of Kenvue Malaysia/Singapore, and Ms. Caryn Loh, Managing Director of Watsons Malaysia and Regional Exclusives Director of Watsons International, received the prestigious Malaysia Book of Records certification. They were joined by notable personalities like Joey Kong, Chef Wan, and Dr. Kayla Teh, who were all key players in making this extraordinary event a reality.

The Spectacular ‘Swish and Makan’ Event

The ‘Swish and Makan’ event at De.Wan 1958 by Chef Wan @ The Linc was an electrifying experience! Participants were taken through an engaging oral care routine, emphasizing the crucial role of mouthwash. The excitement was further elevated with a specially curated menu by Chef Wan and a special appearance by the celebrity chef, adding a touch of glamour to the day.

Pioneering Complete Oral Care!

LISTERINE®’s ‘Swish and Makan’ event highlighted their unwavering dedication to comprehensive oral hygiene. While brushing and flossing are essential, they’re just part of the puzzle. Plaque can quickly accumulate, leading to cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Studies show that using LISTERINE® twice a day for 30 seconds kills 99.9% of germs and reduces plaque five times more effectively than brushing and flossing alone.

Boosting Oral Hygiene Awareness Among Malaysians!

Did you know that brushing alone cleans only 25% of your mouth? Many Malaysians are unaware of this crucial fact. Given our love for diverse and delicious foods, the risk of oral health problems is ever-present without a complete oral care routine that includes brushing, flossing, and mouthwash.

Expert Insights from Dr. Kayla Teh!

Dr. Kayla Teh captivated the audience with her insights into the comprehensive benefits of mouthwash. “Using a mouthwash formulated with essential oils for 30 seconds, twice a day, not only fights germs and bad breath but also reduces plaque and tartar, leading to healthier gums,” she passionately explained.

Involving Local Schools in the Record-Breaking Moment!

Adding to the excitement, two schools in the Klang Valley, Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Binjai and Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Kemuning 2, joined in the record-setting event. These schools hosted vibrant interactive sessions and demonstrations, teaching students the importance of daily oral care routines, including mouthwash, and inspiring the next generation to maintain dazzling, healthy smiles.

Exciting Promotions to Encourage Oral Care

To amplify the excitement, LISTERINE® and Watsons Malaysia are running an exciting promotion from June 4 to July 8! Customers who spend RM30 on LISTERINE® products at Watsons outlets stand a chance to win Grab Food vouchers worth up to RM15,000. It’s a thrilling opportunity to prioritize oral health while enjoying fantastic rewards.

Join the Journey of Wellness and Celebration!

Don’t miss out on this exciting journey with LISTERINE® and Watsons Malaysia as they set new records, elevate oral care standards, and celebrate the perfect blend of wellness and indulgence. This event marks a monumental step in promoting comprehensive oral health and awareness across Malaysia. Let’s swish, sparkle, and smile together!


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